Update on Payment highlighting the importance of Cal-PT-PAC

The first 2020 meeting of the CAL-PT-PAC occurred on Friday, January 17th. That’s the California Physical Therapy Political Action Committee, for those that benefit from the reminder. CAL-PT-PAC is a committee of CPTA with the mission of promoting the election of members of the California Legislature who support the profession of Physical Therapy. These are often the individuals we reach out to when there issues that negatively impact the practice of Physical Therapy in the state of California.

And as many of your know, one such example was the 2020 NCCI edits which dramatically changed billing rules on the day of PT or OT evaluation services.

Thanks to the efforts of the CAL-PT-PAC, grassroots efforts of members and prospective members across the country, and the national efforts coordinated by APTA, a major victory was announced on Friday January 24th.

You can read the full details on APTA’s website here.

This is a major victory for Physical Therapy members and prospective members alike and it is a great testament to the value of coordinated state and national advocacy groups like those connected to NED.

Bringing this victory a little closer to home, the announcement on APTA’s website includes a picture of California Physical Therapist advocates including our very own past NED Chair Ruth Leblanc, see below.

Ruth now serves as the Advocacy Committee Chair for NED and as a member of the CAL-PT-PAC.

Want to take additional action?

Learn more about events and activities of CAL-PT-PAC via the website and Facebook. Participate in upcoming PT Legislation Day at your State Capital in Sacramento on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Contact your Northeast District Political Advocacy Chair for additional information.


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