Sensory Processing Disorder: What the Out-patient PT needs to know


Sensory Processing Disorder: What the Out-patient PT needs to know

from $45.00

On-line, live webinar

Thursday, July 18th, 2024 

6:00 pm-8:00 pm

0.2 CEUs (pending)

Instructor: Debi Craddock, PT, DPT

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Dr. Debi Craddock has been a Physical Therapy Instructor with California Children Services, County of Los Angeles since 1986 and pediatric pathologies and patient management instructor at Mount Saint Mary's University since 2016. As a mentor, Dr. Craddock is consulted when patient presentations are complex, e.g., sensory processing disorder is a comorbidity impacting ability to participate and progress with standard interventions. Dr. Craddock has presented on a range of topics, including Sensory Processing Disorder, Sensory Based Interventions, Collaborative Practice, Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, and Orthopedic Issues for Pediatric Physical Therapists. She received the Bachelor of Science at California State University, Long Beach in 1986 and Master of Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions in 2004 and 2005. She has been active in the ABPTS Specialty Academy of Content Experts, APTA Section on Pediatrics, and California Pediatric PT Special Interest Group. She served as CPTA Board Secretary and is currently a CPTA Director, Chair of the CPTA Awards Committee, and member of the CAL-PT-FUND. Dr. Craddock balances her professional career with family and outdoor adventures.

Course description:

As people with Sensory Processing Disorder are at risk of becoming orthopedic patients in the out-patient physical therapy clinic, it is critical that physical therapists understand the various sensory profiles that may accompany orthopedic diagnoses and know how to adapt services to engage their patients, prescribe appropriate interventions, and achieve successful outcomes. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) affects up to 10% of the population with history of typical development and 57%-92% of people with other conditions including autistic spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, Cesarean delivery, or prematurity. Symptoms may be pervasive and frequently cause movement impairments, pain, or headache impacting ADLs, mobility, and social interactions. Furthermore, SPD impacts a person’s ability to participate in interventions that are typically provided to treat these conditions.


The participant will:

  1. Describe sensory processing profiles in various sensory systems

  2. Identify at least one tool to address patient needs for each sensory system

  3. Discuss how to modify tasks to provide opportunities to practice at the appropriate level of sensory input

  4. Discuss how to modify the environment to provide the appropriate level of sensory

  5. Identify the most common intervention with consistent positive results 

Schedule for the 2 hour webinar:

  • Introduction to Sensory Processing Disorder

  • Sensory profiles and associated behaviors

  • Evidence based interventions (and what else might help!)

  • Resources

  • Case discussion and questions